Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lamarck had a great influence in Darwin’s ideas but he did not have the same beliefs as Lamarck.  Lamarck had a big impact in the scientific community. He proposed that the organisms that are among the earth did not stay the same, and that over time they would change in accordance to how they utilized themselves to survive. He believed that when the environment around an organism changed the organism would have to change their “behavior” as well to be able to continue to live well in their environment.  Lamarck believed that when the organism reproduced the “offspring” that the organism had would “inherit” what they needed most to survive in a bigger manner and what they did not use would be in smaller portions. He believed that the organisms on the planet would develop to fit with their surroundings over time and he did not believe what the church believed that the organisms were set in a way that God made them. Darwin built upon Lamarck’s thoughts but he did not think exactly like Lamarck.  The section on Darwinism that was mostly affected by him is that when the environment changes the traits helpful to the adaptation of the organisms change as well.  Darwin however believed that the organisms that had the traits to survive would be have a better chance of survival but Lamarck believed that the offspring of any organism would develop and have the trait they needed. I believe that Darwin could not have developed his theory without this person’s thoughts because in order for a theory to be successful it has to be revised and built upon.  The church did not want Darwin’s theories to be published because it went against the beleifs of the church and they thought it was some kind of blasphemy