Tuesday, May 27, 2014


      Language is very important because it allows us to communicate easily with one another without having to guess the point that is trying to be given.  Being able to use language allows humans to express their emotions. Language plays a major role in creating a place for oneself in society.  Language is used to communicate in business meeting, social gathering and much more.  When a person is not able to communicate verbally with others it impairs them from building the same kind of relationships others build.  Usually a person that does not have the ability of speech is not given the same value as a person that can.  I have noticed this at my work place.  There is a woman that is not able to hear or speak that always comes into the store.  She is usually ignored the majority of the time because people assume that she is crazy just because she cannot speak.  Society does not really accept people that are disadvantaged.  Language is important because the gestures and the symbols that one may use to communicate in one area may not be proper in another.

     The experiment was not easy. I tried it on a few different people, one of them being the lady that does not have the ability to speak nor hear. This lady is not familiar with any sort of sign language or communication system. She was the only one that was not frustrated in trying to communicate without any language or anything written everyone else seemed angry that they were having a hard time understanding what I was trying to say. They were trying to get me to speak with them or write notes to them and when I refused they got frustrated and did not want to talk to me anymore until I spoke normal once again. 

The culture with the spoken language has a greater advantage to share complex ideas and emotions because it is very complicated to communicate simple ideas with just body language. It would be almost impossible to communicate a complex thought without symbolic language. Language allows people to be able to survive by communicating their desires.  In a fast paced culture like the American culture oral communication is very important when trying to obtain a certain service.  Usually if a person does not speak so that their needs can be heard they are usually not taken into account.  I realized that sometimes using gestures and using body language is not enough.  Body movements and gestures are just to emphasize one’s point when communicating verbally with one another.  While doing this experiment I felt frustrated that no one understood what I needed and that no one wanted to help me out.  It gave me anxiety when I was misunderstood and ignored by people because I believe that human beings feel the need of attention no matter what kind of person they are.  I was not able to contain myself from talking because it frustrated me very much that I could not get my point across to anyone and no one could help me. I believe that the speaking culture would treat the other culture as less worthy human beings and shun them because they would feel frustration because it would be extremely difficult for the cultures to make a connection.

   Now the second part of the assignment was much harder. My peers have always told me that they feel as if i use my face expressions a lot to communicate with everyone. It was really hard for me to keep a still face as i talked to the people I was talking to. I was not able to last the 15 minutes without getting my facial expressions involved in my conversation. I could not do this part of the experiment without laughing. My friends also seemed to think it was very funny to see me expressionless they felt awkward. They said I looked creepy. Using signs and body language allow us to show our emotions and get out point across with greater ease. The use of our body language allows others to recognize and relate to how we feel. I think people that have difficulty understanding body language are people with disorders or people that have mental illness. Being able to read body language is great for being able to protect ourselves from others that may want to cause us harm. In a situation where showing a sign of being scared or fearful may be dangerous is when being able to read body language is not that great.


  1. The second part of the experiment was more difficult for me as well, which was surprising. I never realized how much non-verbal language I use when I am speaking. From hand gestures, to body movements, to face expressions it's all important. A huge part of our communication comes from non-verbal communication. Non-verbal language expresses who we are and how we communicate. Non-verbal language also impacts how we communicate with others. Great post!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Great post we are very different, I am a person who has very little facial expressions or mannerisms so the second part of the project was quite easy for me. I feel that if you covey your point or what your trying to say i the tone you need then expressions are not needed. Overall great post.

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    I'm most curious to know under what environmental settings you conducted your experiment, and whether you believe that the environment assisted or further hindered your ability to communicate directly or indirectly as you desired.

    This was a most difficult exercise for a variety of reasons, and I was quite curious to see how many could be fully successful in communicating as directed, without giving way to our everyday norms of communication.

    It's great to see that you provided some background on yourself, in terms of needs to express non-verbal communications in terms of facial expressions and hand gestures.


  4. First of all, love the clips! My husband's favorite show is supernatural, so he would approve your post!

    It was an interesting, and brave, choice to carry out this experiment with multiple people, and I appreciate the different perspective it gave you, particularly comparing people who communicate "normally" (notice the quotes) to those who don't. That was very eye-opening.

    " It would be almost impossible to communicate a complex thought without symbolic language."

    Exactly. Would it be possible to explain natural selection without symbolic language?

    "The use of our body language allows others to recognize and relate to how we feel."

    Okay, but how does that explain why people feel uncomfortable when we don't use body language? One other thing we use body language for is see if it matches with what the person is saying. Humans use body language as a lie-detector. If body language doesn't match with the words, that person can't be trusted. So if there is no body language, we don't know if we can trust that person or not. Humans don't know how to handle that!

    There are many different kinds of mental illnesses. I was thinking more specifically of individuals in the autism spectrum who are characterized with difficulty reading body language.

    The last question doesn't ask when you shouldn't use body language, but when you shouldn't read body language. Is there any situation where body language might lie to you? Do all cultures use the same body language?
